Bondstreet stock photography images are shot on 35mm film, scanned to (typically) 48mb uncompressed files at 300dpi and compressed using the jpeg format. Images are available in four sizes:
Bondstreet stock footage is originated on 35mm and 16mm film; on BetacamSP videotape and professional digital formats. Animation and graphics are originated as high resolution computer files. Footage clips are available for immediate download from the website in NTSC full resolution 720x486 pixels, 30fps as Quicktime files. Clip duration ranges from 09:00 seconds to 15:00 seconds ( typically 10:00 seconds). Time base is 30 frames per second, aspect ratio is 4:3. Other formats are available and may be ordered, e-mail: info@bondstreet.com for information or call 616 676-2398.