When you walk into a store and they’re playing music you enjoy, it’s like walking into a friend’s home. It’s almost irritating how persuasive a good song can be. It’s like capitalism has pulled one over on you. This fact is borne out by how improbably enjoyable an advertisement can be when it’s soundtracked by a great song.

Music says a lot about a person. Even as an adult, it’s been difficult for me to shake the puerile habit of asking new people I meet what sort of music they’re into. This is partially because I’m always looking for new sounds I haven’t yet discovered, but mostly it’s because music is a shorthand for discovering what a person is all about.

And because I happen to care about these things to a higher degree than most people would consider reasonable, there is a right answer and there’s a wrong answer. I don’t care whether a person listens to music I like or not, what I’m interested in is whether they have found something to be passionate about. Is there something identifiable about them that can be discerned from their taste in music?

I feel the same way about the stores, bars, restaurants and other dwellings that I visit in the course of my daily life. When you walk into a space, it’s an almost subliminal relief to discover that some thought has been put into the atmosphere of the place.

Now this is just my opinion, and I’m sure there a large number of reasons that you shouldn’t play Norwegian black metal in your bridal veil shop, but if you did, I’d probably feel like I was in the right place. I don’t even like black metal. I just like being in places where there is a very clear expression of personality.

When I think ice cream, I don’t immediately think reggae. When I think bicycles, I don’t suddenly hear big band jazz. When I walk into a haberdashery and hear dub techno, I’m surprised, sure, but I’m also delighted. In all of these cases, the personality of the proprietor is at the forefront of my experience as a customer. There’s a feeling of instant understanding that the wares offered are likely to have been as well considered and well loved as the music that I’m hearing.

Putting thoughtful consideration into the music that your customers hear when they’re in your place of business is the easiest step you can possibly take to let them know what you’re about.

The playlist we’ve created for you is the fifth in a series of playlists we’ve been assembling to help business owners think a little more deeply about the sounds that their customers hear. If you enjoy this playlist, please play it at an appropriate volume (while optimal audibility is obviously a subjective determination, our recommendation is LOUD). If you think this playlist sucks, well, sorry. But in that case, please do make your own!

The sounds you’ll hear on this playlist reflect the arrival of Spring. Most of the cold stuff is gone. The colors are starting to emerge from the ground, and perhaps on the clothing of your customers as well. Occasionally there’ll be a dip back into cooler climes, but it’s time to get back outside and shake off the winter.

If you do like this playlist, you can check out the other playlists we’ve made for your enjoyment and inspiration.