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OR Footage

Hands footage - 15 clip collection - Handwriting; paperwork; phoning; testing; drinking; cutting; holding; sanding; windshield replacement are the topics in this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Busy hands footage - 15 clip collection - Writing; adjusting the stove; washing; pouring; stirring; designing; remoting; inspecting and fiberoptics are in this collection Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Harvest footage - 15 clip collection - Picking apples moving applecrates; wheat shimmering in the heat; a farmers barn at harvestime; Halloween pumpkinhead; wheat in the wind; a cornacopia of harvested foods; a fall display of harvested foods. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Harvest time footage - 13 clip collection - Applepickers; hayfields; haying; wheat; baling hay; combining wheat; sunflowers; display of harvested vegetables and fruit are in this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Hiking footage - 10 clip collection - Long hikes with campovers; short hikes around the park or lake; hiking is a favorite summer activity. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Hot air balloons footage - 15 clip collection - Balloons and cres launching into early morning skies. Heater flames warm the air inside the drifting balloons as they rise to meet the morning breezes. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files. Ships on CD.
Hot air balloons footage - 15 clip collection - Ground activities fill the screen as balloons fill with air. After the launch balloons drift slowly downwind in increasing numbers. Some crews fly huge US flags. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files. Ships on CD.
Laboratory footage - 15 clip collection - Formulating; testing; mixing; reviewing; comparing; and other lab activities. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Laboratories footage - 15 clip collection - Lab reasearch and testing; mixing solutions; stirring; formulating; debating an issue; inventing; developing; beakers; vials; technicians. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Lakes footage - 15 clip collection - Offshore kyaking; scenic shorelines; hiking the shore; Pictured Rocks National Seashore; Castle Rock; Lake Superior; flowing damwater; sailing the lake; Lake Michigan; sunny shorelines. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Lakes footage - 15 clip collection - Waves rolling into shore; sun setting over sandy beach; sailing; speedboating; sunsets and timelapsed sunsets; lighthouse in the sunset; pierwalking; and pier fishing. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Lakes footage - 15 clip collection - Sunsets; lighthouse; trolling; fishing boat; pierwalking; wading the beach; Superior cliffs; sailing; shorelines; Munising; Superior shoreline; Castle Rock. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Lakes footage - 15 clip collection - Waves crashing over a lighthouse; Superior shoreline; workboat; dredge and pleasurecraft; Cleveland shoreline; Toledo riverfront; ferryboat; waves rolling ashore. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Lales footage - 14 clip collection - Fishing boat; patrol boat; freighter time lapse; sunsets; waves; a shimmering bay; shipping on the horizon. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Leisure time footage - 15 clip collection - Oil painting on canvas; reading a good book; at the theater; skiing; sledding; relaxing in the living room; sailing; tennis; pier walking; pier fishing. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Macinac Island footage - 8 clip collection - The Grand Hotel; horse team; ferry boats; sailboats; the Straits of Macinac; Macinac Bridge. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.

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