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Farming footage - 15 clip collection - Worker hoeing a field; a scarecrow; cutting; rotortilling; fertilizing; fields of alfalfa; cows grazing; hayfields; planting celery and a grain elevator make this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Farming footage - 15 clip collection - Irrigating farm fields; a tractor and spreader; cultivating; moving apple crates; haying; corn and beet fields; wheat close-up and planting celery are included. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Farming footage - 15 clip collection - Tending the sugarbeet field; haying; growing fields of corn; and celery; and combining wheat fields; are included. Heat waves rise over the warm and growing wheat. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Farming footage - 15 clip collection - Growing corn; growing sugarbeets; raising cows; bailing hay; spraying fields; harvesting the wheat are all a part of farming. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Fields footage - 15 clip collection - Alfalfa fields; corn fields; hay fields; beetfields; snowy fields; cows grazing in the field and a patchwork of color fields make up this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Fields footage - 14 clip collection - Fields of lush green alfalfa; corn; sugarbeets; wheat; hay; and sunflowers growing to feed hungry food markets. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Fishing footage - 15 clip collection - Fly fishing trout streams; ice fishing; trolling for bigger fish; pier fishing; lake fishing; bass boats; or just gunkholing, fishing a popular pastime. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Flags footage - 15 clip collection - U.S. flags waving in the breezes; also Michigan state flag; auto racing checkered flag; Chinese flag; Japanese flag. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Flowers footage - 14 clip collection - Flowers; Iris; tulips of all kinds and colors; a windmill flower fields and wild flowers make up this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Flowers footage - 11 clip collection - Flowers both wild and cultivated make up this collection. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Food footage - 15 clip collection - Cooking and food. Preparing great food dishes, from a cassarole to loblster. Includes slomo effects shots of corn, lemons and strawberries. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Food footage - 15 clip collection - Great preparation makes a great meal, here's how: chefs cut; chop; stir; sprinkle and show food being prepared. Also included are effects shots of oranges and tomatoes. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Food footage - 15 clip collection - Colorful food preparation; colorful dishes; great presentation makes for a memorable meal. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Food footage - 15 clip collection - Carrots; cucumbers; fish; strawberries; cherries; corn; salsa; and rice. Food effects shots and in-the-kitchen working with food shots. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Forest woodlands footage - 15 clip collection - Driving in the woods; a cabin in the forest; canoeing a remote river; hiking; flying low over the forest; where trees and nature rule. Trees and plants of many species. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.
Forest Woodlands footage - 15 clip collection - In and around the woods, a vast forest; moving past large trees; driving a wooded road; a small pond in the forest; details of trees and plants. Quicktime 720x486x30fps files - 10-15 sec. Ships on CD.

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